I've seen quite a few cat stores this year, some sweet graffiti, and I've happened upon a lot of hilarious advertisements. My favorite funny thing, though, isn't so funny when one considers it on its own. The funny only grabs me after I begin to think about the thing as part of a system so regulated, yet so uniquely individual in each new place, that I start to appreciate these cute little wonders and to look for small differences in each of my destinations.
These funny things are road signs.
Road signs. I love them. I don't mean "City X 15 km" road signs, but rather those that are meant to direct and help humans, that most hopeless and confused race, navigate the world. I'm talking pedestrian crossing signs, don't let your dog poo on our sidewalks signs, and what you can/ cannot do type of signs. Some are just great posts I found on concrete, or on church doors, but most are road signs. Some feature language that just has me rolling when I should be walking.
About midway through the fall, I started noticing how delightful some of the little figures can be, or how fitting a sign's pictures can be to the particular country in which I spot it. I think the signs I'm used to seeing in Ohio are fairly generic, so little differences strike me as cute and memorable.
About midway through the fall, I started noticing how delightful some of the little figures can be, or how fitting a sign's pictures can be to the particular country in which I spot it. I think the signs I'm used to seeing in Ohio are fairly generic, so little differences strike me as cute and memorable.
I like to think each sign has a little spice of its mother country thrown into its metallic make-up. The Austrian pedestrian crossing signs feature men wearing cute little hats. The verbal signs in Scotland are cheeky and perfectly literal. I've noted subtle yet delightful differences from sign to sign. I hope to keep collecting these useless pictures and one day remember how much merriment I got out of looking for flat, symbol-laden unintentional jokes during my Fulbright year. For now, though, here's my underwhelming collection of European signage. Enjoy!
These are all pedestrian crossing signs. They are just the best.
Dawww my first sign picture, taken during FISI
-Pravets, Bulgaria-
-Budapest, Hungary-
-Vienna, Austria-
-Ft. William, Scotland-
-Plovdiv, Bulgaria-
-Bratislava, Slovakia-
-Prague, Czech Republic-
This one looks like Chewbacca children are crossing the street!
-Smolyan, Bulgaria-
-Dresden, Germany-
-Bergen, Norway-
Absolutely, hands down, the best sign in existence.
-Broadford, Isle of Skye, Scotland-
Short skirt, yo. Very unlike Istanbul.
-Istanbul, Turkey-
I'm also a fan of the stoplights with tiny, glowing people living inside them.
Note the below signs/ lights and how cutely they encourage cycling!
-Vienna, Austria-
The following four are crossing signs in Dresden, Germany, and are a pretty famous little quirk that appears on German postcards. All the lol's.
A couple random, but great, signs.
-Prague, Czech Republic-
-Istanbul, Turkey-
Thinking of letting your dog relieve himself without scooping afterwards? Think again, and never forget these very graphic signs.
This one features a fresh, steaming poo pile. It also features a Scottie in Scotland. Cliche, or adorable?
Also found in Scotland
This is too much, Norway.
-Bergen, Norway-
-Prague, Czech Republic-
Scotland, again with the Scottie. How do the other dogs feel? Underrepresented?
-Ferry to Mull, Scotland?-
These guys are in Bulgaria, and I always read them with a country accent.
Really, it's not that funny but I can't help myself.
-Kardzhali, Bulgaria-
Really, it's not that funny but I can't help myself.
-Kardzhali, Bulgaria-
These next six photos are all from Scotland, and they're just...the most literal things that could be smacked on a sign. IDK.
Not could, but do.
-Ft. William, Scotland-
They weren't kidding
-...., Scotland-
This one's a bit fuzzy...are the pedestrians vicious, savage things that attack?
Are we watching out for them? Regardless, beware!
-Oban, Scotland-
Don't yield, give way.
Just.... Way to make 'em remember why they get to park so close.
At any time!!!
-Vienna, Austria-
No photos, fedoras, ice cream, or Scotties/ poodle thing. Very specific.
-Dresden, Germany-
Dem hips doe.
-Budapest, Hungary-

I actually love this sign...it totally looks like the silhouette of a Bulgarian laborer, hat and all.
-Plovdiv, Bulgaria-
*Not a road sign*
-Sofia Airport, Sofia, Bulgaria-
That's all, folks! Hope this glimpse into the world through my sarcastic lens cap has provided a bit of enjoyment and added a little chuckle to your day! Peace and blessings.